Coor's Password Policy

  • Your password is personal and not transferable.
  • Always change your automatically generated password upon first login.
  • Your password should consist of at least 14 characters and contain at least three of these four character sets; uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters (e.g. !, $, #, @, %)
  • Passwords cannot be the same as the username or consist of parts of the username.
  • Your password should not be linked to personal information like your name, social security number, phone number, children’s names, pets etc.
  • Your password should not be a regular character combination or patterns such as 123456, qwerty or “#QWE.
  • Your password should not be a word written backwards.
  • Passwords containing “Coor”, “Summer” or other common words and phrases will be blocked.
  • Your password should be unique for Coor and may not be the same as other passwords that you use privately.
  • If your account gets comprised, you will be forced to choose a new password.
  • Your account will be automatically locked after five failed login attempts.